Teatro de titeres, mascaras y objetos

Teatro con frutas y vegetales (Mimamusch festival 2011 Viena)

En el festival Mimamusch de Viena (Austria) he presentado un show de frutas y vegetales, a veces tambien con objetos del publico:

  • "La verdad atraz de titular" (newspaper theater) - using the daily local yellow press I ask the audience to choose an article and I pretend to show in a scene the truth behind the headlines
  • "Cumpleando deseos" - I ask people for real wishes and act them out, maybe in a surprising way - the idea behind was to show the outcome of egoistic wishes and to visualize visions
  • "Comedia personal" - during the festival I happened to have a birthday party audience. So I offered to play the whole live + a little future of the birthday person. After a scarce interview I started to invent a lot of details.
    Later I started to think that this could be a half therapeutical format, either as a playback format or as a intuitive personal invention.
  • "Depresiones felices - una capacitacion con humor" - actually a therapeutic intervention, my happy character asks a depressive one for advice of how to become depressive. How do you do it? I would love to be depressive, since depressions seems to be an important source for many artists... this was a half improvised format, though everything of it was found through improvisation and includes some interesting insights
  • "La Experiencia de las pesadillas" - this format actually was not yet played as object theater, but would work perfectly well. I played as a solo improvisation and used a real nightmare of the audience to act it out and then to go on in the dream at the point when the dreamer awoke (2016, Vienna Impro Festival)



Photos from Mimamusch festival 2011, Ragnerhof Vienna, Austria. 

Photos: Brigitte Gradwohl



TV Señal Colombia: "El show de Perico" 2010, Colombia

2010 trabajo en la tele por la segunda temporada de "El show de Perico". Un reality intelligente por niños, tenío un muñeco del publico - el condor.



"Distinto" - dirección de un show de titeres por niños, Austria 2009

2009 trabajo en la realisacion de una obra basado en un libro por niños. Al inicio estuve un otro director, pero al fin me tocó de dirigir y escribir la obra de Jullia.

Fotos (c) de www.foto.fritz.st por Julia Schwarzbauer  www.kinderevents.at



Presentación del varieté "Wiener Melange" 2008, Viena





Unterteilt nach Themen, auf Englisch, sehr ausführlich
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