NLP - (Neuro linguistic programing)

What is it all about?

When the research was started, it was all about the ability to have a strong effect for change or transformation on other people through language. Hence famous psychotherapist were studied at the beginning, and many did a great job, but partly failed to nail it for their students, how they do it. 

In NLP they modeled the genius and tried to figure out what were the important components for a successful treatment. And indeed many interesting patterns could be found.
Later also politicians, soldsmen, scientists, athletes were modeled in the way how they thought, prepared and dealt with situations. 
In understanding more about communication and how peoples minds work, there started also to grow an interest in how to use this knowhow in order to manipulate people as politicians or for selling anything.
Also the big success stories led to the feeling that with NLP almost anything could be handled in a very short time. While there is amazing effects, we need also to understand that the practitioner also needs to work precise and be flexible enough to deal with individual situations. It however has led to less experienced NLP practitioners claiming abilities and results, which they could not deliver.
I followed mainly the research of Steven and Connirae Andreas (see below). 
I am also starting to learn more about Steven Andreas and his work about negative thinking (inner critic) and transforming your Self.

Core Transformation and The wholeness process work

Core Transformation By Connirae  and Tamara Andreas

Core transformation is a development based on the six step reframing. One of the core concepts of NLP is the idea that we can look at our behaviours like driven from different parts in us. They have an intention, they know when to start a behaviour, how to make it, how strong, how long and when to end it. But does it still fit? In the six step reframing we check back about the goal/ intention of the behaviour and the strategy used. For example getting drunk: goal: getting more relaxed, strategy: drink a lot of alcohol. But it might not work so well anymore, maybe you are not so attractive being drunk. In the six step reframing we would check if the goal is still appropriate and if so, we would add through a creative part more optional strategies to reach this goal and test them. 
In Core transformation we look for the deepest or highest intention behind a behaviour. So we go through several levels of intentions until we reach the core intention, a state of beingness. We ask the step to give up his strategies but step directly into the state and then we integrate it with all intentions and the original behaviour, which at the end should be transformed. In the more professional add on, we go with the core state through our live, first beginning from the moment where we started the bad strategy and had those needs, then we go through our birth and all live. And then for the purpose of deepening the experience we imagine how our own parents had this quality in their live until our birth and how they transmitted it to us. In some cases this will allow clients with resistances to accept the resource and go deeper. 


Additionally we use the Realignment of perceptual positions.
It goes very well together, when we get really stuck, we change to the other exercise. 
A basic constellation format consists of 3 positions in a triangle: I- the other - neutral observer.
If all is well, we can change from one to the other for getting other aspects and point of views. And also we would be aligned with our own feelings, our own inner voice, hearing, seeing, smelling..
An inner negative voice aka inner critic can be an internalised voice of someone else. We can get more clarity about this and return the voice. Our own inner voice is naturally more nice and positive. We might have to give back feelings to other persons or get our own feelings back. Otherwise it is really a great mess! ;-) Also we need the clarity of being able to zoom into correct positions of I, neutral observer and the other. 
The other might also be an addiction, company, a value etc. We still have a relationship with it that we can work on, and boy/ girl, it so much more fun to do so when you are correctly attuned with yourself.


I did Level I+II

The wholeness process by Connirae Andreas

It was triggered by the wish to make a spiritual experience to be one with everything and free from Ego, the idea was to integrate with the wholeness of consciousness. But it turned out to be trickier than expected. So in order to give space to different aspects and resistances we go through different layers of selves until we find one, that agrees to integrate with the wholeness of consciousness. Then we integrate this through all layers until we integrate also our initial reaction from where we started.
We can do this for Authority issues (reclaim your authority-process), feelings of lack, aversions, wanting sth too much, we can add the opposite, process about "you" and "me", we can realign with where we are really standing etc etc. There is many inspiring ways to use this method.


I did level I+II, and probably until summer 2024 the video courses for level III+IV

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Aktualisiert 2025-01-13
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