
Supporting self healing on physical, mental and emotional levels.


Basically it boils down to radical respect, re-connecting, clarification, finding my own place and non-duality. 
Who I am and who I am not. Letting go of what does not support you anymore or what is not part of your essence and reconnecting with your own essence and source. Stuck? -> Flow!



Over the years and decades I made very different experiences that now freely flow into my life coaching work:


  • IEMT: Integrated Eye Movement Therapy (Andrew T. Austin) - Sounds a bit like EMDR? But just a bit!
    How do you know how and when to feel bad? We go back to some earlier memories for some seconds and wiggle the eyes in specific ways. Probably you will dissociate from those unhealthy moments and those learnings. Also we bring flow in all sorts of identities like your Nick name, name, job, role, gender, pronouns (I, me, self, you etc), diagnosis names or whatever! Also we work with the 5 famous patterns of chronicity and some interesting questions ;-) 
  • [...more]
  • The Work of Byron Katie (www.thework.com)
    an active resolving meditation about beliefs and thoughts
  • Movements of the soul / family constellations / systemic constellations 
    Using representatives or objects to represent a situation including persons involved. With representatives we also use the emotional feedback and transformations of the representatives)
  • The magic gift
    A guided meditation to find and use an inspirational (imagined) gift
    in a practical way and instantly integrate it deeply
  • Feeding your demons
    Tibetan "shadow"/ cutting of attachments (Chöd)- work as proposed by Lama Tsültrim Allione in a simpler modern version based on Gestalt therapy
    Making peace with my shadows and transforming them into allies or releasing them. Disentangle from my attachments.
  • NLP - "Neurolinguistic Programming"
    I really really like "Core Transformation" incl. "Realignment of the perceptual positions", "The wholeness process", "Submodalities"
    www.thewholenesswork.org and www.coretransformation.org
  • MoM - Metaphors of Movement (Andrew T. Austin)
    Exploring clients metaphors, get from stuck to flow states, comparing clients problem metaphors with their solution strategy metaphors
  • Core Shamanism (Dr. Michael Harner)
    Finding your power animal, bringing back soul parts (-> inner child work), extraction of negative or foreign energies, shamanic counselilng
  • Yoga Individual (Hans Endmaya)
    A coaching formation between structured Yoga and free movement, about healing bonding issues, connecting head (thinking) - heart (feelings) and body (sensations & action).
  • "The miracle question" (as from Steve deShazer and Insoo Kim Berg "Solution focused therapy")
    We connect to a future where the problem is resolved and find resources and solutions there, because sometimes it needs a miracle to get there.
  • "Provocative Change Work" (as from Nick Kemp, based on the work of Frank Farelli's Provocative Therapy)
    The joker of the therapies, directly, with warmth and humour he allows us to find the lightness in the heavy and to feel more free when in a safe space many aspects come into the light, which we either did not see or did not dare to mention.
Unterteilt nach Themen, auf Englisch, sehr ausführlich
Aktualisiert 2025-01-13
CV Oliver A. Gross by topic EN 2025-01-1
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